
The History of Israel

History of Israel

The early history of the state of Israel is characterized by a series of events that are not centered on a single person. A king may be known by many different names, but the name of his nation is a common characteristic. The king of Israel is usually referred to as Israel the People, and the country’s name is an acronym for the Hebrew word yisrael. In ancient times, the people of Israel were known as Jews and their ancestors were known as Israelites.

The history of Israel is a story of persecution, struggle, and survival. Since the days of the Hebrews in Genesis, the Jews have lived in constant fear of extermination. However, despite these threats, their faith in God has been strong and their nation-state is now a top-ranked nation in the world.

The founding of the state of Israel was a milestone in the history of the nation. The Balfour Declaration, which recognized the Jewish state as a national home, was endorsed by the League of Nations in 1922. However, many Arabs opposed this move, and tensions between the Jewish people and Arab Muslims have been a persistent feature of the history of Israel.

The Israelites initially approached the land of Canaan from the SE. This allowed them to settle in areas east of the Jordan. They did not, however, attack the Edomites and Moabites. However, they did defeat the Amorite king, Sihon, at Jahaz near Medeba. As a result, the Israelites occupied land between the Arnon and Jabbok Rivers.