Peace Process
The Israel-Palestine Peace Process

The israel palestine peace process is currently stuck in an impasse. The Palestinians have not yet agreed to any compromise – even though they would like one – and Israel is determined to keep the West Bank and Gaza under its control. In addition, Israelis are receiving more US military aid than any other nation, and their economy and standard of living continue to grow. They have one of the highest levels of subjective well-being in the world.
The Palestinians would like a state in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. The two states would have separate governments, but they would work together on security, infrastructure and other issues that affect both populations. The Palestinian state plan would also allow for the continued existence of about 500,000 Jewish settlers in the West Bank. However, large settlements near the border would be annexed to Israel in a one-to-one land swap.
The Israelis have a different vision for the peace process. While most Israelis support a two-state solution, the violence of the second intifada has convinced many Israelis that a peace process is not possible. They believe that Hamas and other Palestinian groups are dedicated to destroying Israel. They also do not trust the Palestinian leadership, and consider any unilateral action by the Palestinian leadership to be inconsistent with a negotiated two-state solution.
One Israeli filmmaker who has been closely involved in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, Dror Moreh, believes that ending the occupation of the Palestinian territories is the key to Israel’s long-term security. His new documentary, “The Human Factor,” takes viewers through the decades of the Israel-Palestine peace process. He recently spoke to Insider columnist Anthony Fisher and asked him if he was optimistic about the prospects for a peace deal.